Notes about the Baldry Family Trees

Adrienne (Baldrey) Hall's research (2)

This page contains the notes supplied to Ken Baldry about the family trees of this family.
The information has been provided by Adrienne Hall (hit this to e-mail her).

See also Caroline Speake's pages, which relate to the same family.

Adrienne's page 1

Adrienne's page 3 - the Satoor family

Adrienne (Baldrey) Hall's research

From the "Madras Weekly Mail" September 24th 1891

(From a Correspondent)

Mr. Charles Baldrey, whose death was announced in your issue of the 18th instant, was the yungest son of Georeg Baldrey, the latter was for some time a resident of Madras, where he died, in 1869, an elegant granit and marble monument, erected by his children, marking his last resting place in Saint Mary's Cemetary, near the entrance.

A brief account of the father's career, as illustrative of curious ups and downs of life, may be of some interest to such of your readers as may be aquainted with it. George Baldrey was born in Windsor Castle in the latter part of the reign of King George III, his parents having influence at Court, and his father holding a Commission in the 1st Foot Guards, George was early attached to Queen Charlotte's suite and had the special privilege of attending on Her Majesty as Page of Honour. Being a child of the Castle, so to speak, George, when of tender age, was much petted by Their Majesties and often dangled on the knees of the good King, who endearingly called the child his "White headed boy". But sad changes entirely altered the course of George's life: his parents died, and another Pharoah who knew not Joseph entered on the scene and young George was committed to the custody of guardians, who, strictly keeping to the letter of his father's written instructions, carved out for him a military career, a profession which, after the luxurious life of ease at Court, was most repugnant to his tastes. However, his military education was proceeded with under strong protest, and in due time George was appointed a Cadet. Rebellion was now at its height and the young rebel, who often threatened to enlist as a private soldier to spite his guardians, absconded and actually enlisted in a regiment, but his discharge was soon purchased and he was brought back, only to escape again. His whereabouts not being so easily discovered this time, he was eventually traced to a regiment which had left for India. He steadfastly refused to return and it was thought advisable to allow him to remain, and by influence to push him on to the commissioned grade, which he obstinately refused to accept when offered to him. He was not allowed to do regimental duty but at once was posted to the Rocket Depot, where the order of the day was little work and more play and since that time he was posted to easy staff appointments in the subordinate grade which he preferred.

The Marquis of Tweedale (surely, Tweedsdale) who knew him at home, put him in orders, giving him a good staff appointment, but the matter fell through somehow, and he died in the Fort Saint George in a subordinate position which he had determined not to quit.

In respect to his memory the flag was lowered to half mast high, his office desk was draped in black, and a touching Divisional Order was issued by the General in Command, announcing his death to the troops in Garrison. During his life time he took little or no interest in his affairs in England, and his valuable estate, "THE MANOR OF BADINGHAM" with its broad acres of rich land and other properties, were left unheeded, and I believe, have since passed into the clutches of Chancery and for want of funds they will probably long remain there. The oldest male representative of the family is Mr. Robert Baldrey, of Oootacamund. The authorised publication "Next of Kin" and other similar works have the name of George Baldrey as the next of kin to property and money in Chancery.

I am informed that a pedigree of the family dating centuries back is at present in possession of the eldest surviving male heir.

Comment added by Ken:-

It is plain that there was much more to George than the 'facts' in this report. The innuendo is endless. It seems obvious that George was no Baldrey but the illegitimate son of, probably, one of George III's reprobate sons & the pregnant girl was foisted onto a compliant Baldrey army officer in the Windsor Castle garrison. So, Adrienne (& Caroline Speake) have royal blood but alas, not Baldry blood.

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Contact: Ken Baldry for more information, 17 Gerrard Road, Islington, London N1 8AY
+44(0)20 7359 6294 but best to e-mail him or, for matters pertaining to this page, e-mail Adrienne
URL: Last revised 7/11/2006
Copyright ©2006 Adrienne Hall

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